Dan and Jade's wedding donation

Last month, we were thrilled to receive a generous donation and a note from Dan and Jade. This lovely couple were recently married and asked for donations to The Orangutan Project in lieu of gifts for their special day.

Dan and Jade's special day

Jade has volunteered for The Orangutan Project for the past four years and both Dan and Jade have a strong passion for helping the community, and volunteering with organisations who are doing their part to make the world a better place.

“We're very grateful for the lives we're able to live, so this was our small part to make a difference”, said Dan and Jade. “This isn't just our donation; it's the donation of our friends and family who were able to join us to celebrate our special day together. This is our way of saying thank you to The Orangutan Project for the amazing work they're doing.”

We are so touched by this kind gesture. Thank you and congratulations, Dan and Jade!

If you’ve got a celebration or birthday coming up and would like to do something similar, we’d love to hear from you. Please get in touch with Andrew at help@theorangutanproject.org

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