
Unfortunately, Seroja has had further health issues over the last six months at the SOCP Quarantine and Rehabilitation Centre.  After having the surgery for an umbilical hernia in early 2018, Seroja was doing well at the last adoption update in March 2018. However, soon after this, the staff noticed that Seroja had a swollen abdomen, and had developed a hernia umbilical again.

In July 2018, veterinary surgeon Dr. Diah Pawitri from Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) in Java flew to Sumatra to help conduct a special surgery on Seroja together with SOCP vets Dr. Yenny and Dr. Meuthya. Surprisingly, the vets found fluid in Seroja’s abdomen that was indicative of a cyst.

Upon further examination they found many cysts on the mesenterium and intestines and close to Seroja’s uterus. The vet team removed the cysts and sent samples to the laboratory for further investigation. After the surgery, Seroja stayed in the Individual cage for post-surgery treatment and recovery. Two weeks post-surgery she looked fine and the surgery area also looked good.  About one month after surgery, Seroja was moved back to the Socialization cage in the older group. She was doing well in the group and she was once again listed as one of the priority candidates to send to the Jantho forest. Sadly, in August the vet team noticed that her belly appeared swollen again. Dr Yenny and Dr Meuthya once again opened Seroja’s abdomen and found fluid and cysts similar to what they had found during the previous surgery. They once again removed the fluid and cysts.  

Unfortunately, because Seroja has these chronic health problems, she cannot be transferred to the forest in the near future. She will need to be monitored very closely by vet staff. The team at SOCP are doing their absolute best to give Seroja as enriching a life as possible while they continue to investigate her health issues.


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Updates Seroja
